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When to Choose Veneers Over Teeth Whitening Oct 9th, 2024

Your teeth may be discolored for a variety of reasons. If you don’t like the way they look, two options — teeth whitening and veneers — can effectively brighten and whiten your smile.  Dr. Hannah Baek and the team at Healthy Smile Dental want you to enjoy excellent oral health,...

How to Protect Your Tooth After a Root Canal Sep 19th, 2024

More than 15 million root canal treatments are performed every year in the United States — more than 40,000 per day on average. That means every year, millions of teeth are saved from extraction, thanks to this time-tested method of preserving natural teeth. At Healthy Smile Dental, Hannah Baek, DMD,...

Pain When Chewing: Is It an Emergency? Aug 8th, 2024

Chewing pain can be caused by a range of problems, but not all are emergencies. Dr. Hannah Baek at Healthy Smile Dental in Woodridge, Illinois, can diagnose the culprit behind your painful chewing and treat it so you can get back to eating your favorite foods. Here’s a look at...

Chronic Bad Breath? It Could Be a Sign of Periodontal Disease Jul 9th, 2024

Bad breath can stem from many causes. However, if you always have bad breath, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying issue. A common reason is periodontal disease. It is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults and also causes chronic bad breath.  Hannah Baek, DDS,...

5 Tips to Care for Your Dentures Jun 18th, 2024

Roughly 42 million Americans wear dentures to replace one, several, or all of their teeth. Made of durable, lightweight, natural-looking materials, today’s dentures are more comfortable than ever, restoring normal eating, speech, and facial contours while boosting self-confidence. Hannah Baek, DDS, and the team at Healthy Smile Dental help patients...

Can Invisalign Treat an Underbite? May 10th, 2024

The Invisalign® transparent aligner system uses advanced orthodontic technology and materials to straighten smiles without the expected discomfort, food restrictions, and other negative aspects of traditional braces.   Our team at Healthy Smile Dental in Woodridge, Illinois, led by Dr. Hannah Baek, offers comprehensive dentistry services customized to fit kids, teens,...

4 Ways Veneers Can Upgrade Your Smile Apr 1st, 2024

In many ways, your smile is your calling card and says a lot about you, even before any words come out of your mouth. So, if you want a smile that conveys confidence and vitality but your natural teeth are falling short of these goals, we can help with dental...

What to Do If You Have a Loose Crown Mar 7th, 2024

Have you ever felt an odd wobble in your tooth where your dental crown is supposed to sit snuggly? It’s an uncomfortable and often alarming experience. Dental crowns are sturdy but not invincible, and knowing how to handle the situation when they loosen can save you a lot of discomfort...

Gapped Teeth: Are They More Than an Eyesore? Feb 1st, 2024

If you have a gap between your teeth, you may feel self-conscious. You may even avoid smiling, especially if the gap is between your front teeth (although it can be anywhere in your mouth.) This means it’s strictly a cosmetic issue, right? Well, no. It’s actually a medical condition called...

Getting to Know Inlays and Onlays Jan 17th, 2024

Have you ever heard of a dental crown? This common treatment functions like a little cap, creating a protective cover for your entire tooth. But what if you only have a small amount of damage or decay on one part of your tooth? That’s when inlays or onlays come into...

Our Dentist's Secret to Optimal Oral Health Dec 11th, 2023

As a dedicated member of the dental community 一 that includes the American Dental Association, Illinois State Dental Society, and the Chicago Dental Society 一 Dr. Hannah Baek stays up-to-date with the latest dental research. That also means she’s privy to the best tips and strategies that promote healthy, beautiful...

Why Do Some People Have Perfect Smiles Without Dental Work? Nov 1st, 2023

Nobody is perfect, and we all feel awkward about something, and for over half of people involved in a recent survey that includes being self-conscious about their teeth. In the survey, this discomfort was ranked above issues with height, eyewear and ranked just below weight issues and hairstyle. We like...

Warning Signs You're Not Brushing Your Teeth the Right Way Oct 1st, 2023

Brushing your teeth is essential to a good oral hygiene routine, but are you brushing your teeth the right way? It’s such a basic part of most people’s routines that the finer details are often forgotten or overlooked, but they do make a difference in maintaining the health of your...

Common Oral Health Problems in Seniors Sep 1st, 2023

As our population of older adults increases (by 2060, we’ll have 98 million adults age 65 or older), so does the need for dental care for seniors. Older adults are at high risk for oral infections and issues, so it’s important to stay on top of your dental health as you age....

Are You Grinding Your Teeth? Here’s Why You Should Stop Aug 4th, 2023

Do you grind your teeth when you sleep? Or, have you caught yourself grinding them when you feel stressed or upset? Unfortunately, grinding your teeth can damage your oral health in many ways. The good news is, there are things you can do to stop it. Hannah Baek, DDS, of...

8 Lesser-Known Hacks to Keep Your Teeth Healthy Jul 6th, 2023

Maintaining proper oral hygiene keeps your breath fresh, reduces your risk of cavities, and even helps prevent dental emergencies. While you’re no doubt familiar with the basics 一 brushing twice a day, using mouthwash, flossing regularly, and coming in for routine dental cleanings here at Healthy Smile Dental 一 some lesser-known hacks can significantly...

Myths and Facts About Root Canal Therapy Jun 5th, 2023

Every year, dentists nationwide perform more than 15 million root canals to save their patients’ teeth in the face of severe decay and trauma. Unfortunately, root canals have a reputation for being invasive and painful. The truth is that advancements in oral health treatments, technology, and techniques have significantly improved the root...

Adult Tooth Loss Is Common: Here's How You Can Prevent It May 1st, 2023

Your smile is often the first thing people notice, but if you have missing teeth, they’ll notice that too. Keeping your smile healthy and beautiful takes some effort, and as you grow older, there are more precautions you should take to prevent losing your teeth.  Dr. Hannah Baek and her team...

Here’s What to Expect When Getting Started With Invisalign® Apr 1st, 2023

Invisalign® clear aligner trays have revolutionized the world of orthodontics — no brackets, no wires, no “metal mouth” look for months or even years. Instead, you get straightened teeth using trays custom-made to gently move your teeth over time.  At Healthy Smile Dental in Woodbridge, Illinois, Dr. Hannah Baek offers...

Daily Flossing Is Just as Important as Brushing: Here's Why Mar 3rd, 2023

We know exactly what you’re going to say — you hate flossing. It may not be your favorite pastime, but that doesn’t mean you can skip it entirely. According to the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, barely 30% of adults floss daily. And the other 70%? Approximately 37%...

Are Your Ruining Your Teeth With These Bad Habits Feb 7th, 2023

We expect a lot of our teeth, whether it’s helping us eat our favorite meal or smiling at someone to say hello. Unfortunately, it’s just as easy for us to take advantage of them on a daily basis — and that can spell trouble when you least expect it. We...

What Is Tongue Scraping and Should I Be Doing It? Jan 1st, 2023

Practicing good dental hygiene is the most important thing you can do to keep your mouth healthy. Start with the basics: brush twice a day for at least two minutes, and floss once a day. Add in seeing your dentist twice a year for check-ups and you’re doing all you...

Get Your Best Smile for Those Holiday Photos with Professional Teeth Whitening Dec 1st, 2022

Your smile is a luminous expression of your personality — the last thing you want people to notice when you flash your pearly whites are stained teeth that look dull and discolored. And you certainly don’t want to immortalize a lackluster smile in this year’s holiday photos! Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry...

Does My Toothache Need Emergency Dental Attention? Nov 1st, 2022

When a tooth hurts, it’s hard to focus on anything else. Sometimes an over-the-counter remedy can provide some relief, but when your toothache persists, you likely have an underlying issue that needs attention. This could be anything from dental decay to a chipped or broken tooth.  Pain signals that something...

Why More Teens Are Opting for Invisalign® Oct 1st, 2022

It’s tough to feel confident with a mouthful of metal, especially during your teenage years. Fortunately, there’s a better way to straighten your smile these days that’s discrete and more comfortable. We’re talking about Invisalign®. Unlike traditional braces, the Invisalign system skips the metal altogether and relies on clear, removable...

Help! My Tooth Is Cracked Sep 1st, 2022

Did you know your teeth are coated in the hardest substance in your body? Believe it or not, the shiny white exterior of your tooth — known as enamel — is 96% mineral. That’s a higher percentage than in any other tissue in your body! However, despite its strength and...

The Best Foods to Eat for a Healthier Smile Aug 1st, 2022

One of the first things you probably learned about oral health is that sugary foods and sweet drinks are bad for your teeth. Somewhere along the way, you may have also discovered that hard foods and acidic beverages can damage your enamel or dark drinks and pigmented foods can stain...

Reasons You May Need a Dental Crown Jul 1st, 2022

Crowns are a common treatment in the dental world. However, they can still seem like a mystery to the people who need them.  Healthy Smile Dental can help. Hannah Baek, DDS and our team serve patients in and around Woodridge, Illinois, with unparalleled expertise and compassion. When you trust Healthy Smile Dental with your...

Fix These Alignment Issue with Invisalign® Jun 1st, 2022

When your teeth are aligned well, you have a better chance of good dental health and a confident smile. If you have alignment issues, however, metal braces might not seem worth the hassle. That’s where Invisalign® comes in. Through a series of customized, discreet devices that slip over your teeth, you can...

Summer Selfies: Another Reason to Have Your Teeth Whitened May 1st, 2022

Over time, teeth can develop stains from food, drinks, and poor hygiene. These stains can cause your teeth to take on a dirty yellow or brown color. This discoloration looks unattractive, and may cause you to hide your teeth when you smile or talk. This is especially not cool in...

4 Signs of an Oral Abscess Apr 1st, 2022

You probably already know that, without proper care, your oral health can fall by the wayside. Dull, misaligned teeth are a concern, but more concerning are the long-term consequences that poor oral hygiene can have on your teeth and gums. Without proper oral care, you might experience the darkening of...

Why Is It Important to Visit the Dentist? Mar 1st, 2022

You probably know you should visit the dentist regularly. Yet, according to the American Dental Association, more than 20% of people haven't seen their dentist in the last few years. And only 50% visit their dentist twice a year, as recommended.  Admittedly, some people find a dental visit uncomfortable. One...

5 Problems Cosmetic Dentistry Can Fix Feb 1st, 2022

When your smile looks less than its best, it can be hard to feel confident about yourself. You may keep from smiling, meeting new people, taking casual photos, or talking in public. If this sounds like you, there’s hope. Cosmetic dentistry can address all sorts of smile flaws. Hannah Baek,...

5 Benefits of Partial Dentures Jan 4th, 2022

Millions of Americans are living with an incomplete smile. In fact, 178 million have lost at least one tooth, and another 40 million are missing all of their teeth. This has created not just an oral health crisis but an attack on self-esteem, as well.  Fortunately, you have access to...

What to Do About a Cracked or Missing Crown Dec 1st, 2021

There’s nothing elegant about a cracked or missing crown. And while it may seem like no big deal if you’re not experiencing any pain, ignoring it is a bad idea, as crowns improve both the look and function of your mouth. Once a crown is no longer in top form,...

When to See Your Dentist About a Toothache Nov 3rd, 2021

Our team at Healthy Smile Dental, led by Hannah Baek, DDS, offers outstanding general, cosmetic, and emergency dental services for patients of all ages who live in and around our Woodridge, Illinois, community. We’re dedicated to creating and maintaining the beautiful smile you deserve and are happy to provide information...

What to Expect When Having a Root Canal Oct 1st, 2021

Just the words "root canal" can conjure up ideas of dental torture but the reality is it’s no more uncomfortable than a typical dental filling. It can also resolve tooth pain and improve your oral health. Here at our Healthy Smile Dental office in Woodridge, Illinois, Hanna Baek, DDS, and...

Why Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening Is Superior to Over-the-Counter Products Sep 6th, 2021

If anything can rob you of the confidence you need in your appearance, it is discolored, dingy, stained, or dull teeth. You may have thought about using a teeth-whitening system to make them look better. But there are lots of choices. Between over-the-counter teeth brightening products to whitening toothpastes, charcoal...

4 Benefits of Dental Veneers Aug 10th, 2021

Do you hide your smile? Nearly 28% of Americans don’t show their teeth when smiling, and as many as 81% of Americans don’t like how their teeth look in photographs. Cosmetic dentistry services such as veneers can enhance the appearance of your teeth so you can love your smile again....

Why Invisalign® Is a Better Choice Than Traditional Braces Jul 11th, 2021

Most people think of awkward teenagers when they think about braces, but the truth is that many adults need braces, too, and for a variety of reasons. Sure, there are cosmetic benefits to straight teeth, but there are also good oral health reasons to have your teeth straightened.  However, as...

Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety Jun 13th, 2021

Dental anxiety can lead you to put off going to the dentist even when you need care. Putting off routine care allows small problems to become major ones, and can even mean losing teeth. At Healthy Smile Dental, Dr. Hannah Baek and our staff know that fear of going to...

The Psychological Impact of a Whiter Smile May 13th, 2021

Did you know that nearly one-third of Americans say that your smile is one of the first things they notice about a person, and one-quarter say a smile is what they remember most? With that in mind, picture the smile you want that makes a great first impression — and...

Why Having a Proper Bite Is So Important Apr 6th, 2021

Orthodontic treatments are well-known for straightening crooked teeth, but that isn’t the only thing they do; they can also improve your bite. Having a proper bite enhances the look and function of your mouth. Here at Healthy Smile Dental, we utilize the Invisalign ® clear aligner system to  provide our...

Understanding the Different Kinds of Bridges Mar 10th, 2021

When you lose a tooth as a child, you get to look forward to a visit from the tooth fairy. But as an adult, losing a tooth is stressful. Whether your tooth got knocked out in an accident or you had to part with it because of decay, you probably...

How Long Will My Child Need Invisalign? Feb 1st, 2021

Invisalign is a revolutionary way to quickly, comfortably, and nearly invisibly fix dental alignment problems, ranging from simple to complex. Using a series of clear, soft aligner trays made of patented SmartTrack® materials, the Invisalign system gradually nudges, pulls, and pushes your teeth into more perfect alignment.  Dr. Hannah Baek...

Are You Experiencing a Dental Emergency? Here’s What You Need to Know Jan 1st, 2021

Dental emergencies can happen anytime, day or night. Trauma to the mouth, resulting in broken or missing teeth, injury to the gums, excessive bleeding, pain, and more can constitute a dental emergency. If you’ve suffered an injury to your teeth, jaw, or gums, or if you’re experiencing unbearable pain that...

Veneers Can Correct More Smile Flaws Than You Think Dec 1st, 2020

Manufactured from durable porcelain, veneers are thinly sliced and carefully shaped to fit and bond securely to the front of your natural teeth. They’re often recommended to cover significant stains or discolorations that don’t respond to even high-grade, professional whitening products. But that’s only one use for customized veneers. Hannah...

How the ZOOM! Whitening Method Works Nov 9th, 2020

Everyone experiences tooth discoloration over time. And common habits, such as smoking or drinking colas, coffee, tea, or red wine, can really expedite the process. Having braces can also create issues by making areas of your teeth less easy to clean. Whether you’re looking for a slightly brighter smile, trying...

If Your Teen Needs Braces, Give Them the Gift of Invisalign Oct 1st, 2020

Life as a teenager can be stressful with so many things to worry about: that math test coming up, making the basketball team, passing their driver’s test, thinking about college, and wondering if their friend is still their friend. And that’s just part of the list. What your teen doesn’t...

How Cosmetic Dentistry Is Actually Good for Your Oral Health Aug 31st, 2020

A beautiful, pearly white smile isn’t just a self-esteem booster. It may also help prevent common dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay.  Tartar, stains, misalignments, missing teeth, and crowded teeth are all issues that often get ignored. After all, these are all aesthetic concerns, right? However, research...

When Is Your Tooth Pain Cause for Concern? Aug 14th, 2020

It can be difficult to recognize when your tooth pain is a cause for concern. You may feel like you’re overreacting, or being a “wimp.” The truth, though, is that even mild tooth pain is sometimes an indication of something more serious. Dr. Hannah Baek at Healthy Smile Dental is...

10 Foods and Habits You Should Avoid to Protect Your Dental Health Jul 2nd, 2020

We all know that candy and sugary foods aren’t the best choices for staying healthy, and they aren’t very good for our teeth either. But aside from these obvious culprits, there are some edibles you might be surprised to learn contribute to cavities, chipped teeth, and other oral health issues. ...

Knowing the Difference Between a Crown and a Bridge Jun 15th, 2020

Did you know that 120 million Americans have lost an adult tooth due to decay, gum disease, or injury? Many of those people replace teeth with implant crowns and bridges, which serve a similar purpose but are different and distinct dental appliances. Hannah Baek, DDS of Healthy Smile Dental, is...

What Kind of Situation Requires Emergency Dental Care? May 12th, 2020

Perhaps you’ve been kept awake all night by tooth pain or your child lost a tooth in an accident. These situations and many more require expert dental care sooner rather than later, which is where our emergency dentistry services play a valuable role. At Healthy Smile Dental, Hannah Baek, DDS,...

When to Update Your Child's Mouthguard Apr 29th, 2020

As a parent, you already have a lot on your plate, so the last thing you want is a call from the coach or PE teacher telling you that your child needs to see a dentist immediately.  With the frequency of sports-related mouth injuries so high and the spring season...

How a Root Canal Can Save Your Tooth Mar 24th, 2020

A root canal may not sound like a picnic, but it’s a lot better than losing your tooth. Thankfully, the procedure is a lot less invasive or intense than you may realize. Thanks to modern technology, this routine treatment can do away with symptoms associated with the need for a...

The Link Between Oral Health and Your Overall Health Feb 4th, 2020

Gum disease — also known as periodontal disease — is one of the most common issues Dr. Hannah Baek sees here at Healthy Smile Dental. This condition develops when the bacteria builds up on your teeth, causing an infection in your gum tissue. What many people don’t realize is that...

Resolve to Smile Brighter This Year with ZOOM!® Jan 5th, 2020

When it comes to first impressions, your smile makes a difference. Stained, discolored or dull teeth can impact your confidence and have an effect on your career and social life. Teeth whitening is an excellent option for men and women looking to restore their natural bright smile.  The sheer amount...

Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Consider Veneers Dec 1st, 2019

When you think of dental veneers, you probably think of a bright, beautiful smile. But the aesthetic value isn’t the only reason to get porcelain veneers. Hannah Baek, DDS, at Healthy Smile Dental uses veneers to correct a number of common dental problems. What are dental veneers? Dental veneers are...

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth: Why Alignment Matters Nov 1st, 2019

Having straight teeth gives you a great smile, but it also keeps your mouth healthy. Misaligned teeth can lead to several different health problems and make simple things, like chewing, more difficult.  Since straight teeth can help prevent certain dental complications, it’s important to correct them. Dr. Hannah Baek of...

Why You Should Never Ignore a Missing Tooth Oct 1st, 2019

A missing tooth might feel like no big deal, especially if the tooth wasn’t that visible to begin with. Each tooth plays an important role in your dental health, however, and ignoring one that’s missing can lead to bothersome and potentially serious problems. In case you’re missing one or more...

Tips for Taking Care of Your Invisalign Trays Sep 3rd, 2019

Clear Invisalign® braces work to straighten your smile secretly. This effective alternative to braces adjusts your teeth without being visible to other people. If you can keep your trays clean and odor-free, no one will know that you have braces! At Healthy Smile Dental, Hannah Baek, DDS, can get you...

How to Extend the Results of Teeth Whitening Aug 1st, 2019

In the United States, dentists perform teeth whitening procedures more than just about any other cosmetic procedure, and it's no secret why the treatment is so popular. Having a sparkling smile improves your self-esteem, benefiting you in all sorts of ways, from the personal to the professional.  At Healthy Smile...

Adjusting to Life With Dentures Jul 1st, 2019

Whether you’re getting complete or partial dentures, there’s an adjustment period when you start wearing them. You also need to learn how to properly care for them. These sometimes-removable plates look like real teeth, and while they may feel strange at first, and you may have some mouth issues, we...

Tired of Living with Crooked Teeth? Here's Why You should Consider Invisalign Jun 1st, 2019

Crooked teeth, over or underbites, and gaps can pose many problems — physically and emotionally. Having a crooked smile can affect your well-being, and if you’re experiencing this issue, why haven’t you corrected it yet? Maybe the idea of braces frightens you. If you’re part of the Woodridge, Illinois, community,...

3 Ways Veneers Can Help You Build Confidence in Your Smile May 2nd, 2019

Having beautiful teeth is an important part of feeling attractive and confident, especially in today’s digital media and social media culture. If you take a lot of photos, you probably would like to be able to smile big and bright, showing off your teeth. Many people, however, develop stains and...

Why Regular Dental Checkups Are So Vital To Your Oral Health Apr 3rd, 2019

Regular visits with your dentist do more than just keep your teeth fresh and white. They are the first line of defense in your oral health arsenal. At Healthy Smiles Dental, Dr. Hannah Baek is on a search-and-destroy mission to stop dental issues before they become serious to your mouth...

What Qualifies As A Dental Emergency? Mar 5th, 2019

Most dental problems don’t require immediate attention. In fact, dental issues like cavities or the early signs of gingivitis aren’t even discovered until your regular checkup. Most of the time, dental issues that don’t cause you pain or problems can wait to be treated. There is the occasion, however, when...

5 Symptoms that May Indicate You Need a Root Canal Feb 6th, 2019

According to the American Association of Endodontists, Americans undergo more than 15 million root canals each year. It’s such a common treatment that dentists collectively perform more than 41,000 root canals per day. If you don’t know what symptoms indicate that you need a root canal, then you may never...

How Dental Implants Can Help Give You a Flawless Smile Jan 10th, 2019

There’s so much to love about dental implants, they’re often the obvious choice for replacing missing teeth. At Healthy Smile Dental in Woodbridge, Illinois, Dr. Hannah Baek offers the convenience and durability of dental implants for men and women who need to replace a single tooth or several. Because a...

Here's How To Avoid Dental Emergencies Dec 11th, 2018

If you’ve ever had a dental emergency, such as severe tooth pain or a tooth that’s been knocked out by a ball, you know how important it is to see the dentist right away. Going without treatment can lead to infections and other serious health consequences. And while insurance may...

3 Interesting Facts About Veneers That You May Not Know Nov 19th, 2018

BUPA - an international insurance provider and healthcare company - conducted a recent study about how people feel about their teeth. The results indicate that nearly a third of all people don’t even like to smile when a photograph is being taken for social media because they’re unhappy. That’s a...

How to Decide Which Cosmetic Fix is Right for Your Mouth Oct 17th, 2018

Cosmetic dentistry offers many different solutions to common dental issues that cause you to be less than happy with your smile. Chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth can be made new again through cosmetic dental procedures. Depending on what you need, a cosmetic dental procedure is a safe and effective way...

5 Reasons Invisalign Is the Best Teeth Straightening Option Sep 13th, 2018

More and more adults are opting for teeth straightening, and why not? Your beautiful smile can make quite a first impression. Straight pearly whites can give you a mighty confidence boost. No more smiling or laughing behind your hand, attempting to cover up your less-than-perfect smile. People who want straighter...

Seeking a Fresh New Look? Veneers Could Be the Answer Aug 17th, 2018

While the perfect white smile may be society’s ideal, few people are born with the goods. Food stains, damage, genetics, and time can all take their toll on your teeth. While orthodontics can straighten minor alignment issues — fillings and bonding address some types of damage, and whitening adds back...

Eight Unexpected Ways Oral Hygiene Impacts Your Health Jul 25th, 2018

Despite advances in oral care, Americans aren’t taking the best care of their teeth and gums. Over 92% of American adults ages 20-64 have cavities and nearly 30% have untreated tooth decay. Adopting good oral health habits -- like brushing and flossing, visiting your dentist regularly, eating crunchy fruits and...

What Causes Bad Breath Jun 18th, 2018

What Causes Bad BreathBad breath is one of those sensitive topics that no one likes to talk about. After all, who wants to admit that the awful smell in the car is actually coming from your mouth? Or worse yet, who wants to tell someone that they seriously need a...

10 Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety May 15th, 2018

Few if any individuals would say that going to the dentist is fun. Most people recognize it as a necessary task to check off their to-do list every six months.Did you know that maintaining your oral health is necessary for maintaining your overall health? Excessive decay and gum disease can...

6 Reasons Veneers May Be Right for You Apr 24th, 2018

If you’re researching your options for restoring or enhancing your smile, you may want to consider the benefits of veneers.Veneers are ultra-thin porcelain or composite resin shells that your dentist bonds to the front of your teeth. The procedure is minimally invasive and an effective way to significantly improve your...

Tips to Avoid Six Common Brushing Mistakes Mar 29th, 2018

As a kid, if you actually remembered to brush your teeth twice a day (or an adult reminded you), you were in good shape. But as an adult who wants to keep your teeth healthy and avoid complicated dental procedures, brushing technique becomes rather important.You only get one set of...

What to Do If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out? Feb 13th, 2018

Losing a tooth unexpectedly can be frightening, but did you know Dr. Hannah Baek may be able to replant it? A lost tooth that is properly protected can often be saved so that it functions normally again. By learning the how-tos of lost tooth protection, you can successfully preserve your...

10 Best Foods For Healthy Teeth and Gums Jan 30th, 2018

You already know the basics of good oral hygiene for a healthy smile. You brush and floss regularly, maybe even use a high-quality rinse for whiter teeth and fresh breath. You’ve been pretty good about scheduling dentist visits too.When it comes to the foods you eat, it’s easy to think...

Dental Emergencies 101: Your Step by Step Guide Dec 18th, 2017

Dental Emergencies 101: Your Step by Step Guide Dental emergencies happen. When they do, Healthy Smile Dental is ready to help with a same-day appointment. Knowing what to do and what not to do in a dental emergency can make the difference between losing and saving a tooth. Dr. Hannah...

What’s the Difference Between In-Office and At-Home Teeth Whitening? Nov 2nd, 2017

“Show us your pearly whites!” For some people, this simple request is enough to make them smile – really smile from ear to ear. But we aren’t all fortunate enough to have movie star smiles, so some of us are a bit more reserved in photos, maybe even purposely keeping...

Be Prepared for the Daily Routine of Wearing Invisalign Oct 3rd, 2017

Be Prepared for the Daily Routine of Wearing InvisalignIf you want straighter teeth – and who doesn’t? – then you basically have two options. You could get traditional braces and have a mess of metal and wires glued to your teeth and poking and prodding at your gums and cheeks...

Thinking about getting Invisalign? Here's what to expect. Aug 29th, 2017

Thinking about getting Invisalign? Here's what to expect.Used to be that you didn’t have many options if your teeth weren’t straight. You either got metal braces or you just kind of dealt with the aesthetic and dental health problems associated with crooked teeth your whole life. That was pretty much...

Dr Hannah Baek says “You don’t have to live with loose fitting dentures” Jun 6th, 2014

Dr Hannah Baek has the solutions for loose fitting dentures. There are now a variety of treatment options for patients looking for relief for loose fitting dentures. The first step is to visit Healthy Smile Dental PC so the dentists can examine your mouth. Overtime, the bone and tissue supporting...

Woodridge dentist wishes you a Happy Easter Apr 14th, 2014

Woodridge dentist, Dr Hannah Baek and her staffwish each and every one a veryHappy Easter holiday!

Woodridge dentist says drinking water prevents tooth decay Mar 24th, 2014

Woodridge dentist, Dr Hannah Baek, says she recommends that her patients drink water every day to help prevent tooth decay. Drinking tap water with fluoride can decrease the chance of getting tooth decay by 20 – 40%.Dr Hannah Baek, your Woodridge dentist, agrees with the position of the ADA. “The...

March is National Nutrition Month Mar 13th, 2014

Celebrate National Nutrition Month by eating a diet that is high in calcium. Dr. Hannah Baek believes that there is a strong connection between what you eat and your dental health. For instance, if you or your children drink calcium-fortified juices, milk and other dairy products like yogurt and cottage...

How do I choose a fluoride rinse for my kids? Mar 6th, 2014

Fluoride in mouth wash can help protect your child’s teeth from cavities.  The American Dental Association (ADA) has awarded several oral rinses their ADA Seal of Acceptance.  These products were found to be effective in helping to prevent and reduce tooth decay, when used as directed.Dr Hannah Baek, Woodridge dentist, recommends...

60% of all kids get a cavity before age 5 Mar 1st, 2014

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) reported that 60% of all US children had cavities before age 5. Dr. Hannah Baek, your Woodridge dentist, follows the recommendations of the AAPD. She believes that children should visit the dentist before age 1. ”We would like to work with you to...

Dental App for kids – new tooth brushing game just launched Feb 18th, 2014

The Ad Council and the Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives created a new dental app for kids called ”Toothsavers”This is a FREE app for android and Apple devices. The dental app uses fairy tale characters to get kids to brush their teeth. They have 2 minutes to complete the...

What toothpaste should I buy for my kids? Feb 11th, 2014

uy the one with the ADA Seal! There are so many toothpastes on the shelf for kids, it is hard to know which one to buy. They all taste good, but you might wonder which one works the best.The American Dental Association (ADA) has made it easy for us. The...

Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month with a new toothbrush! Feb 3rd, 2014

Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month by buying each of your children a new toothbrush. Dr Hannah Baek, Woodridge dentist, recommends that you change to a new toothbrush every 3 – 4 months or when the bristles become frayed or worn. Our Woodridge dentist always recommends that you purchase a soft...

How often should you visit the dentist? Jan 27th, 2014

Dr Hannah Baek at Healthy Smile Dental, your Woodridge dentist, recommends that adults visit a dentist every 6 months. Patients who are showing the signs and symptoms of gum disease may need to visit the dentist more often. Regular dental visits will help maintain your dental health and allow Dr...

Woodridge Dentist Open Sundays Jan 20th, 2014

Dr. Hannah Baek is open on Sundays. Dr Baek wants dentistry to be accessible. ”So many of our patients work Monday – Saturday, being open on Sundays allows adults and children to receive dental care without missing work or school.”This Woodridge dental office is also open on weekdays and evenings...

Our Woodridge Dentist says “Flossing Prevents Cavities” Jan 13th, 2014

You can prevent cavities between your teeth by flossing just once a day! Dr Hannah Baek, Woodridge dentist, recommends flossing your teeth to remove plaque build-up between your teeth. Your toothbrush bristles are too large to clean away the food debris and plaque between your teeth. Using floss once a...

New Year’s Resolutions Jan 6th, 2014

Many of us make New Year’s Resolutions at the start of a new year. Why not add dental health to the list! Begin the year with a fresh start. Call Healthy Smile Dental in Woodridge for your dental check-up and cleaning.Remember, Healthy Smile Dental takes most dental insurance plans. Check-ups...

Happy New Year from Dr Hannah Baek Jan 1st, 2014

The staff at Healthy Smile Dental would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year.

Healthy Smile Dental – Happy Holidays Dec 24th, 2013

Dr Hannah Baek and staff at Healthy Smile Dental would like to wish you and your family a joyous holiday season.

Healthy Smile Dental just installed their new sign Dec 11th, 2013

Healthy Smile Dental just installed their new outside sign. What do you think? We are now open to new patients. Call us for your appointment.