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How Cosmetic Dentistry Is Actually Good for Your Oral Health

A beautiful, pearly white smile isn’t just a self-esteem booster. It may also help prevent common dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay. 

Tartar, stains, misalignments, missing teeth, and crowded teeth are all issues that often get ignored. After all, these are all aesthetic concerns, right? However, research indicates that some cosmetic issues are also risk factors for tooth decay and gum disease.

To help you understand the link between an aesthetically pleasing smile and good oral health, our experts at Healthy Smile Dental explain how cosmetic dentistry may help prevent oral disease.

Cosmetic dentistry promotes good oral hygiene

Do you have crowded teeth? You may not think it’s a big deal, but crowding may make it harder for you to floss and remove bacteria while brushing. As a consequence, tooth crowding is closely linked to dental caries and gum inflammation.

Fortunately, you don’t need to sport metal braces to reduce your chances of tooth decay and gum disease. Invisalign® can solve many types of misalignments, and despite common belief, the clear aligners can be worn at any age. 

After your teeth are properly aligned, brushing becomes more effective at keeping plaque buildup at bay. Regular professional cleanings will also help preserve the integrity of your teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry prevents jawbone loss

Have you ever noticed how people who have lost a lot of teeth have a sunken look? This occurs due to jawbone loss. 

Each time you chew, you apply pressure to your jaw, which causes the roots of your teeth to stimulate bone growth. 

When you lose your teeth, the area where the root used to apply pressure shrinks over time because there’s not enough stimulation for the bone cells to continue growing.

Dental implants can prevent bone loss. A dental implant comes with a titanium root that fuses with the bone, applying the same type of pressure your natural teeth would apply during a meal or a snack.

Cosmetic dentistry reduces your risk of gum disease

Surely, a gummy smile can’t do any harm! Experts disagree, however, as the more gum tissue you have, the more opportunities there are for bacteria to hide and reproduce.

The extra gum tissue can be removed by using lasers or making small incisions. Once removed, the gum tissue doesn’t come back, and with the tissue out of the way, brushing is more effective as well.

Talk to the experts about your long-term dental health

Our team at Healthy Smile Dental focuses both on functionality and aesthetics. If you want to find out if your cosmetic concerns may impact your oral health, contact us to schedule an appointment by calling 630-296-5396, or book an appointment online. 

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