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Here’s What to Expect When Getting Started With Invisalign®

Invisalign® clear aligner trays have revolutionized the world of orthodontics — no brackets, no wires, no “metal mouth” look for months or even years. Instead, you get straightened teeth using trays custom-made to gently move your teeth over time. 

At Healthy Smile Dental in Woodbridge, Illinois, Dr. Hannah Baek offers Invisalign to teen and adult patients who have mild to moderate misalignment or overcrowding and recommends other options to those who have more complex orthodontic needs. However, you may be surprised by the range of issues Invisalign can correct. 

If you’re considering Invisalign, or if you have questions about what you should expect, this post is for you! When you feel more prepared and know what the process entails, it’s easier to make a decision about orthodontics with confidence. 

First, a consultation

In order to know whether any given procedure can help you reach your oral health goals, you need to consult someone with expertise. Before you decide to invest your time, money, and effort in Invisalign, you need to discuss your options with Dr. Baek. 

When you come in for your first consultation about Invisalign, Dr. Baek performs a thorough exam to assess your concerns and needs. Invisalign can correct numerous issues

If your issues are beyond the scope of Invisalign, Dr. Baek tells you during your initial consultation. It’s a perfect time for you to ask questions, and for Dr. Baek to offer suggestions about the best way to correct your specific alignment issues.

Second, cutting-edge customization 

Once you’re ready to get started with Invisalign, you get a customized treatment plan to address your needs. One of the best things about Invisalign clear aligner trays is that they’re designed to fit your mouth precisely. We use cutting-edge technology to produce exact 3D images of your mouth. 

Your series of aligner trays are so precisely designed so that you can wear them comfortably. Invisalign uses a patented material called SmartTrack® to make the trays. SmartTrack is soft, BPA-free, and allows you to wear your trays without rubbing, chafing, or other discomfort.  

Then, one tray at a time

You switch to a new set of aligner trays every week or two. Each set of trays moves your teeth a little closer to their final position, so your teeth are repositioned into a more ideal alignment gradually over time. You may feel a bit of soreness as you adjust to each new tray, but it’s mild and doesn’t last long. 

To get the fastest results, you need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day. It’s best if you only remove them to eat and to clean your teeth. Although 20-22 hours per day may seem extreme, the fact is that Invisalign is far more comfortable than traditional braces. 

You only need to come to our office every 4-6 weeks to check in and make sure your treatment plan is going as expected. For optimal results, most people need to wear the aligner trays for 12-18 months. The most important factor is wearing your trays for the recommended amount of time each day. 

What happens when you’re finished with aligner trays? 

Once your teeth have reached their ideal alignment, you have one very important task to perform — smile as much as possible! You’ll also need to do a bit of work to maintain your results by performing an excellent daily hygiene routine and seeing Dr. Baek regularly for checkups and cleanings. 

Most people use retainers in order to keep their teeth from shifting back to their original position — initially almost as long as your aligner trays and then generally only at night. We provide you with detailed instructions on how long and how often you should wear retainers.

If you’d like to find out if clear aligners are a good option for you and learn more details about getting started with Invisalign, schedule an appointment at Healthy Smile Dental. We’re always happy to answer your questions.

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